News & Minutes
Draft Minutes of Fossoway & District Community Council Meeting
Tuesday 3rd September 2024 -- 7.30pm, Moubray Village Hall, Powmill
Attending: Community Councillors (CCllrs) Adrian Carter, Angus Cheape, Tony Lamb, Nicola Marchant (Chair), Graham Pye and Kaye Williamson; Assoc CCllr Carol Farquhar; Perth & Kinross Councillors Neil Freshwater, William Robertson and Richard Watters; twelve members of the public (MoP).
Apologies: CCllr Sarah Bruce-Jones, Cllr Dave Cuthbert; PC Samson.
Declarations of Interest: CCllr Cheape declared an interest in Planning Application 24/01049/IPL.
1. Community Police Report: From 6th August 2024 (last meeting) there have been approximately 41 calls to the Police from the Fossoway area and one crime recorded on Police systems. We are aware of missing sheep being reported from Middleton Farm -- this is in the process of being reported as a theft.
Community officers are aware of regular areas where there are complaints about speeding in and around Fossoway. These have all been added to our speeding matrix and we will continue to make efforts to carry out speed checks across the area during our patrols. Roads Policing officers have been carrying out speed checks in the area, notably on the M90, during which drivers have been charged for speeding, having no MOT and having their vehicle in dangerous conditions.
2. Approval of minutes of the last meeting: The Minutes of the 6th August meeting were approved without change and signed off.
3. Progress & matters arising:
ECU00004654 Brunt Hill Windfarm
The developers had asked to meet with the CC to respond to concerns raised in our objection and to discuss community benefit. The CC responded that community benefit discussions should be carried out with the joint CC Sustainability Group. PKC have advised that they expect to discuss this application at their Planning and Placemaking Committee meeting in October or November. We are still waiting to hear if the CC can make a deposition.
Craighead Windfarm (search for 24/01193/FLM at:
The Craighead windfarm planning application has been submitted to PKC. Anyone wishing to comment should do so via the PKC planning portal before the 27th Sept. The CC has an agreed extension to the 25th October and will consult with the community on our proposed response at the 1st Oct CC meeting. It is the intention of the CC to object to this planning application along similar grounds as our objection to the Brunt Hill windfarm.
The responsible PKC Planning Officer has advised that the Planning and Placemaking Committee will consider the cumulative impact on the landscape of both applications, even if they are reviewed separately.
Community Development Trust
Trust members met on 20th August and minutes can be found on the Trust's website
"Your Voice Matters" community survey is active. Please take time to complete this as at least 400 responses are required to be able to say to funders that the Trust is the voice of the community. Results will be used to create the Community Action Plan and inform both LDP3 and our new Local Place Plan. The outcome of the survey will be shared at a Community Drop-in Event on 17th November between 2 and 5pm in Crook of Devon Village Hall.
Road Safety in FDCC area including A977 mitigation measures
Road Improvement Projects in Ward & Kinross-shire:
The proposed 20mph speed limits in our villages were discussed at the recent Kinross-shire Committee meeting. It was noted that we were the only Kinross-shire CC who had provided written feedback to PKC. In response to this the PKC Officer has driven through our villages to look again at the proposals, and we are awaiting their feedback.
There was a suggestion from a MoP that PKC should conduct a survey of HGVs, and request updates to signage to encourage HGVs to use the M90 instead of the A977. There was agreement that drivers are normally led by their GPSs instead of signs, and in any case economics dictate shortest routes.
There is now Scottish Government legislation in force, which will allow Councils to implement bans on parking on pavements. PKC are planning a soft launch of sites where they are either putting in yellow lines to prevent on street parking or exemptions to the ban on parking on pavements. At the Kinross-shire Committee meeting it was agreed that PKC Officers will produce a similar schedule to the 20mph maps for review.
Some items on our priority list for road improvements are not yet implemented, particularly in Carnbo. The CC requested local Councillors to discuss this when they next meet the Highways Department.
MoP from Blairingone asked whether a bus shelter could be provided now that there is actually a bus service.
Fossoway area transport -- 23 bus service & Community Bus
The new 23 bus service, run by Glenfarg Community Transport Group, began on 2nd September. Timetables can be accessed at The "Transit: Live Bus & Tube Times" app can be used to view the location of the buses.
Seamab School Construction Work
CCllr Marchant wrote to PKC's Planning Enforcement Officers and Safer Communities Department regarding the issues raised by residents.
Planning enforcement officers have advised that they have received an email which alleged that there was work ongoing after 1pm on a Saturday. They have responded to the enquirer to the effect that they didn't consider there to be sufficient evidence of a material breach of the condition yet, but to keep a log and pass it to them directly if there was a recurring breach or a recurring pattern. They have also spoken to Jean McKinnon and Stuart Provan at the school, as well as having received an email from the builder (ALGO) to the effect that they are aware of the restrictions on the development.
PKC Safer Communities have spoken to Police Scotland. CCllr Marchant has agreed with Safer Communities that any issues relating to the residents and the school should be reported to the Safer Communities Team:
Local residents met with the builders on 22nd August. There were a number of people from Rumbling Bridge, but no-one from the school was present. There was concern that locations of septic tanks, or plans for surface water were not determined. These matters would normally have been agreed before Planning and/or Building Warrants were granted. It appears to the local residents that many of the Planning Conditions are not being enforced. Local Councillors explained that SEPA would be responsible for approving drainage arrangements. CCllr Marchant stressed that SCT should be contacted with any concerns about safety of children, etc.
Community Speedwatch
Any volunteers should contact
Crook Moss Travellers Site Cllr Robertson will ask for a litter pick to be done at the site.
4. Matters arising with no update since last meeting: Power capacity in Fossoway District.
5. New Business:
Community Investment Fund: This fund is open for applications via MyPKC until Friday the 6th Sept.
SSEN Fund: Has money available to "green" Village Halls. Although applications are currently closed, they will open again in May. The CDT is going to construct an application in partnership with the Village Halls.
Warm Space Fund: Will be open again soon, it is proposed to hold a monthly Warm Space event in Moubray Hall.
PKC Maintenance of Open Spaces: Mowing and maintenance of our open spaces has come up on our agenda in the past and was discussed at the recent Kinross-shire committee meeting where the Officers referred to a location map which explains what maintenance there will be at each location. The Crook and Drum Growing Together group are in touch with PKC regarding rewilding and mowing areas.
Kinross-shire Committee Meeting 15th August: Can be watched:
CCllr Bruce-Jones reported that there was a very good presentation from Kirsteen Ross of the Kinross-shire Trishaws and Community Cycling Charity They have a number of initiatives that support active travel for all abilities including learn to ride, school bus bike, community cycling and cycle tourism, covering all of Kinross‑shire. This fits in neatly with the launch of the Kinross-shire Active Travel Masterplan, see
Road Gully Clearance: The CC has received a PKC report on past road gully cleansing which shows the challenges faced by PKC in maintaining 46,610 gullies. As targeted cleansing was not effective and global annual cleansing was not achievable, the following operational regime for cleaning was implemented in 2019: A Class and flood susceptible roads annually; Manholes every three years; 100% clean by ward biennially.
Ditch clearing was, until the early 2000's, carried out on an approximate 10- year cycle. Reductions in budget and staffing resource has resulted in no proactive ditch clearing taking place and limited reactive cleaning since 2008, with only problem locations cleared when resources are available.
Cllr Robertson suggested that the CC should write to the Kinross‑Shire Committee saying that gully cleaning and ditch clearance, grit bins, gritting plan, grit spreaders and Powmill burn are very important to us. Cllr Watters added that the CC should ask for the gully paper to be put on the Kinross-shire committee agenda.
6. Consultations
The significant workload associated with the wind farm applications means that the CC will not be responding to any consultations until December 2024.
The CC did however respond to the consultation on the proposed felling of commercial woodlands at Middleton Farm, thanking them for consulting us and asking for confirmation that access for walkers will be maintained, biodiversity, historic environment and private water supplies protected.
7. Community Council Business -- meetings attended
CCllr Bruce-Jones -- 15th August Kinross-shire Committee. CCllr Lamb -- 27th August familiarisation run with bus drivers; 29th August Stronger Communities; 2nd September Bus launch. CCllr Cheape -- Kinross Fund, there were no valid applications.
8. PKC Business -- Councillors reports
Cllr Robertson: There will be a Full Council meeting on 4th September where two major papers will be discussed: Perth City future developments for the next twenty to thirty years; Future of Sports Facilities in Perth, there will be no facilities for curling and only a leisure pool when the current facilities close.
Cllr Watters: Pullar House is a PFI development and PKC can buy it back at market rates, so the proposal is to do that and then sub-let some of it to other organisations. There are now over 50 Resilience Groups in P&K and there are plans to create an organisation to help them share ideas.
9. Planning Matters
Local Place Plan
PKC have provided us with a link to the website for the local place plan toolkit which is free for the first 12 months.
The CDT is leading on the Community Action Plan and the CC on the Local Place Plan which will be a map of the outcome of the Community Action Plan plus views from the community on areas suitable for development or areas to retain as open space. CCllr Williamson will be leading this project. Planning Aid Scotland has offered to help.
The CC has agreed with PKC that we will not discuss settlement boundaries as they will do this with developers once they have our plan. The aim is to showcase the mapping tool at the Trust Community Event on the 17th Nov where the outcome of the Community Action Plan survey will be shared and the community will vote for priority projects. The CC will then host meetings in each settlement to discuss their individual maps.
Planning Applications
24/01294/FLL Extension to dwellinghouse at Craighead House Drum Kinross KY13 0PP. No CC comment.
24/01049/IPL Mixed use development comprising erection of retail/manufacturing/warehouse, mixed use business/commercial units, community garden and hut, vehicular access and parking, SUDS pond and associated works (in principle) at Land 90 metres south‑west of Garvellach Drum, Kinross. The CC will object on the grounds that although we are in favour of rural development, this is designated open space contrary to LDP2.
24/01194/IPL Renewal of permission 21/01177/IPL (residential development (in principle)) at Land 40 metres north‑west of Ladieshall, Vicar\'s Bridge Road, Blairingone. No CC comment
24/01193/FLM Erection of 8 turbine windfarm and associated works at Land 1.5Km north‑east of Earnieside Farmhouse, Dunning Glen, Dollar FK14 7LB.
The CC has sought an extension to the 25th Oct to allow community engagement and time to read the 177 documents. It is proposed that our response to the Brunthill application will form the basis of our response. In addition the CC has requested that both applications are reviewed at the same PKC Planning and Placemaking Committee to ensure the overall impact on the landscape is carefully considered.
Planning Decisions
24/00597/FLL Change of use of agricultural land to storage yard (Class 6), erection of storage building and installation of shipping containers for temporary storage use, formation of vehicular access, erection of fencing and associated works at Land 60 metres north‑west of Woodbine Cottage, Drum, Kinross, KY13 0UW. The application was refused; the CC had made a neutral comment on grounds of insufficient information regarding use of the field and access from the B9097.
24/01027/FLL Extension to dwellinghouse at Glenside, Naemoor Road, Crook of Devon, Kinross KY13 0UH. The application was approved; the CC had made no comment.
Local Review Board
24/00744/FLL Erection of a dwellinghouse and associated works at Land 250 Metres south‑west of Broomhill House, Station Road, Crook of Devon, Kinross KY13 0PG. The appeal was refused on the grounds that it was not in character with the surroundings and did not meet criteria for building on a brown field site. The CC had objected.
10. AOCB: None this month.
Next CC Meeting & AGM Tuesday 1st October 2024 7.30pm
Crook of Devon Village Hall