News & Minutes
Draft Minutes of Fossoway & District Community Council Meeting
Tuesday 7th January 2025 -- 7.00pm, Crook of Devon Village Hall
Attending: Community Councillors (CCllrs) Sarah Bruce-Jones, Tony Lamb, Nicola Marchant (Chair), Kaye Williamson; Associate CCllr Carol Farquhar, Perth & Kinross Councillor Dave Cuthbert and Richard Watters; 12 members of the public (MoP).
Apologies: CCllrs Adrian Carter, Angus Cheape and Graham Pye; PKC Cllrs Neil Freshwater and William Robertson; PC Ben Samson
Declarations of Interest: None
1. Community Police Report:
Since 3rd December 2024 (last report) there have been approximately 34 calls to Police from the Fossoway area and five crimes recorded on Police systems. On 11th December 2024 there was a report of dangerous driving on the A91 Carnbo to Yetts O'Muckhart road resulting in an accident. An individual drove a motor vehicle in a dangerous manner causing a collision, they have been charged and reported to
the Procurator Fiscal. On 24th December 2024 there was an attempted theft of a motor vehicle on the A977 at Powmill by smashing a window. This is subject to a live investigation.
Community officers are aware of regular areas where there are complaints about speeding in and around Fossoway. These have all been added to their speeding matrix and they will continue to make efforts to carry out speed checks across the area during our patrols. On 7th December 2024 local officers from Kinross Police Station were on mobile patrol when they observed a driver using their mobile phone whilst driving. The driver was issued with a conditional offer (ticket) for this incident. On 30th December 2024 Roads Policing Officers were on mobile patrol when they witnessed a vehicle being driven in a dangerous condition. The driver was issued with a conditional offer (ticket) for this incident.
2. Approval of minutes of the last meeting:
The Minutes of the 3rd December meeting were approved without change and signed off.
3. LPP Review and Discussion
The latest version of LPP maps showing community views on areas for housing and business development along with nature networks, corridors and assets, both buildings and rural areas, were shared and discussed with the MoP present. It was agreed that the CC seek an extension of the 31st January deadline for submission to PKC to enable a community wide online consultation process.
Post meeting note: PKC have agreed an extension to the 31st March. The LPP will be posted on the Fossoway Community Development Trust website ( for online consultation from Tuesday 4th Feb to Monday 3rd March with the final LPP being agreed at the CC meeting on Tuesday 4th March. In addition, a copy for comment will be sent to all PKC Ward Cllrs and neighbouring CCs for their comments over the same timeframe.
4. Progress & matters arising:
Community Development Trust (CDT) The Trust has received funding for a paid Development Officer (15 hours a week.) Full details of the vacancy can be found on the CDT's website. The Community Action Plan (CAP) is now being designed and printed. The CDT is hoping to have a launch event in early Spring. The CDT now has just under 60 household members. CAP plans will be free to members but there will be a charge of £5, which is the same as the membership fee, to all others. The directors are meeting next week and then there will be a members' meeting at the end of February. The CDT's accounts have been submitted. Cllr Cuthbert asked about the progress of the Blairingone Community Purchase; CCllr Marchant answered that currently it is challenging to see a financially sustainable model for the house and school, however a request has been made to PKC to separate the school and house building.
Road Safety in FDCC area including A977 mitigation measures
A977 Mitigation Measures No update awaiting finalisation of CAP and LPP and review by PKC of the effectiveness of measures already in place.
A91 Road Safety A resident had raised concerns with PKC about speed of traffic on the A91 just inside the 30mph speed limit and the impact of lorries on properties. This is an ongoing concern and was clearly evidenced in the recent serious accident. Cllr Roberston has raised this with our local police officers and has asked them to target this area for speed checks especially early in the morning. The Police had responded that it is on their speeding matrix, and they will put a focus on this.
Pavement Parking Ban Came into force on 6th January.
Road Improvement Projects No update.
20mph Limits No update
Naemoor Road (U237) Crook of Devon Will be closed for a week from 6th January 2025 for patching works.
Corb Bridge Culvert (on the B934 in Dunning Glen) Will be closed for nine weeks from 2nd June 2025 for bridge strengthening works.
U221 Gelvan Moor Road In order to permit SSEN works the road will be closed from 20th March for four weeks from its junction with the A977 to the junction with the private access to the property known as Bankhead Farm. The alternative route for vehicles is via the A977, U222 and A91.
M90 J3 Amey is undertaking VRS upgrades on the M90 centre reserve between the B996 overbridge and J7 until 28th March. Work will take place Sunday to Thursday each night between 7.30pm and 6.30am. There will be a full closure of the M90 northbound from 2nd to 6th February, 2nd to 6th March and 23rd to 27th March.
Grit Bins The CC had requested additional grit bins, however PKC responded that they wouldn't put them in rural locations as in the past they were simply stolen! Heaps put on verges are grit sand rather than salt. PKC added that all routes have an element of public transport and school transport so the priority route system works very well. Sand heaps in will be replenished if needed.
Fossoway area transport
23 Bus Service The 23 Bus continues to run on time. From 13th January the bus will go to Tillicoultry Stirling Mills shopping outlet and will no longer have the 15-minute stop at Kinross Sainsburys. There are over 400 passenger journeys per six days. New timetables are available. Glenfarg have now ordered a spare disability friendly bus.
Community Transport Project In readiness for the physical start of our Community Bus operation, CCllr Lamb is starting to prepare documents, service records, vehicle check forms and more. PKC have twelve end of service buses that they are making available to community groups, however, they have received over 40 notes of interest, so Cllr Cuthbert noted that it might be a good idea to apply in partnership with other groups in Kinross-shire.
CCllr Lamb will be taking his MIDAS training day and online examination over the next eight weeks through Glenfarg CTG. Three other residents have expressed interest in driving the Community Bus, and one is already qualified. So far there has only been one response from groups that might benefit from a Community Bus. The CDT will need to agree the usage of the bus at some stage in the future, probably based on demand and driver availability.
Seamab School Construction Work
A MoP was strongly advised that they should report safety concerns directly to the Health and Safety Executive in Edinburgh. The site was closed over Christmas and New Year and during the storms items were blown onto the road making driving dangerous. Excessive surface water also flowed onto neighbouring farmland causing flooding. There are still no further meetings planned between builders and residents. The CC again advised residents to put a report into Roddy Ross and copy the CC so that we can follow up.
Moubray Hall Andy Bury is establishing a new Hall Committee and has several members already. He has sought quotes for repair work and is in contact with Paul Williamson at PKC regarding planning permission to carry out the work as the hall is a Category C listed building. Funds will need to be obtained for the work.
Community Noticeboards The CC needs to obtain quotes for the repairs and seek funding. CCllr Bruce-Jones agreed to contact various joiners for quotes.
Crook Moss Travellers Site CCllr Cheape has informed the CC that he has aerial footage of the damage to adjacent sites. CCllr Bruce-Jones will seek help and support from the Trust. The dogs no longer appear to be roaming onto the B9097. There is still daily burning on the site. Mike Barnacle stated that the minimum action required is proper screening of site and proper waste disposal.
Rumbling Bridge Community Fund To date we have received no expressions of interest in being on the Board
Fossoway Community Benefit Hydro Fund To date we have received no registration of interest in helping to run the fund. Volunteers are needed to review and make decisions on applications. CCllr Marchant will write to Fossoway School Headteacher to see if there is any interest from staff or parents.
5. Matters arising with no update since last meeting: Windfarms
6. New Business:
British Science Association Award The CC has received an award of £500 to run a lecture/workshop, during British Science Week (7th to 13th March 2025) on the future of renewable energy. All ideas are welcome.
7. Consultations: None this month
8. Community Council Business:
CC Budget The CC has received £144 from the CDT to cover the costs of the LPP meetings and Parish Online software.
Meetings Attended
CCllr Lamb attended the Transport Users Forum on 18th December 2024.
9. PKC Business -- Councillors reports:
Cllr Cuthbert noted that it is budget time at PKC which is challenging as the Scottish Government does not know what its budget from UK Government will be and hence PKC does not know its budget either. Cllr Cuthbert is supporting spend to save projects to increase efficiency of PKC.
Cllr Watters supported the view of the challenges faced in setting a balanced budget. One of the biggest challenges is the changes in National Insurance.
10. Planning Matters:
Planning Applications
24/01781/FLL Extension to garage to form ancillary accommodation unit at Half Moon Barn, Solsgirth, Dollar, FK14 7NB. The CC will object on the grounds that it does not comply with either Policy 19 Housing in the countryside nor the supplementary guidance on ancillary annex accommodation
24/01786/FLL Extension to dwelling house and formation of balcony at Sannox House, Rumbling Bridge, Kinross, KY13 0PX. No CC Comment.
Planning Decisions None this month.
11. AOCB None this month.
Next CC Meeting 4th February 2025 7.30pm
Carnbo Village Hall